Every coach has a unique journey.
No matter where you are on your journey, there’s an opportunity to build on your experience, deepen your knowledge, and contribute more to the lives and careers of your clients.
My mission is to support you on your path to mastery, contribution, and success.
Jim Cooper, BS, MS, MAT, PCC
I'm Jim Cooper
After 25 years in the corporate world, I decided to launch a sales and marketing consulting business. After another five years, I discovered coaching, and decided that it would be my next (and last) career. I enrolled in a certification program and received my first ICF credential. That was 15 years ago.
Since the beginning, I’ve been a proud member of ICF and the North Texas chapter. Along the way, I served four years on our chapter board of directors, including one year as Chapter President. To brag on our chapter a bit, ICF North Texas was recognized as an ICF Chapter of Excellence Award Winner in 2018 and 2019. It’s been a great place to grow and learn.
I just love the statement that “you don't have to be an MCC to coach like one!” The credential will eventually come! In the meantime, you’ll be steadily growing in skill and confidence and enriching your clients' lives by being a more masterful coach!
For the past five years, I've had a wonderful experience with a chapter mentoring program with about ten other coaches, all of us actively pursuing the MCC. I've learned a tremendous amount from that experience and wanted to create this program to share what I've learned and help you accelerate your path to mastery, wherever you are on that path.